
Monday, March 10, 2014

Getting ready for spring while we wait for the next snow storm

Another snow storm may be predicted for this week, but I'm dreaming about green grass and warm sunshine. Even though fresh veggies may be months away, here are some ways you can prepare now to enjoy your CSA or local farmer's market.

1. Save your plastic produce bags, fruit containers, and grocery bags. 

These bags and containers are handy when you pick up your share from a CSA. They can also extend the life of your greens when you wrap them in paper towels and put them in a bag in the refrigerator.

2. CSA and farmer's market gift ideas

-Market basket: My mother-in-law bought me a beautiful, fair-trade African market basket.
-Small cooler: I've seen cute ones on Zulily and Amazon.
-Sun hat: You don't want a sunburn while you pick cherry tomatoes.
-A good seasonal recipe book: I have Mark Bittman's "How to Cook Everything," but I'm sure there are many other resources with seasonal recipes.

3. Get ready to preserve summer's bounty

-Dehydrator: I have an Excalibur Dehydrator, and it's amazing what it can preserve. This year I'm going to work on blanching the spring greens and then drying them. 
-Canning supplies
-Fermenting supplies: Fermenting foods creates an amazing amount of beneficial bacteria for much less cost than probiotic supplements. I use the Pickl-It system that has an air-lock to produce an anaerobic environment. You only have to buy a few expensive Pickl-It jars, and then you can move the ferments to the less expensive Fido jars.  If you want more information about fermenting, the Intentionally Domestic blog has videos and explanations. 

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